If you’re new to internet marketing, this is a beginner’s guide to Internet Marketing that will give you the basics of what you need to know. Internet marketing is a broad term that can refer to a number of different activities, all of which are designed to help promote a business or product online.
From creating a website to driving traffic to it through SEO and social media, there are many different ways to approach internet marketing. But where do you start?
This guide will walk you through the basics of getting started with internet marketing. We’ll cover the different activities involved, as well as some tips.
The term Internet Marketing is now used to describe a range of marketing practices that take advantage of the internet to influence consumers. This usually includes some form of public relations, branding, advertising, and/or sales techniques.
The number of different internet marketing techniques is vast. There are literally hundreds of techniques that may be used to market a product or service online. No one strategy is necessarily better than the other. There are just a few basic areas that need to be addressed for proper Internet marketing.
Internet marketing is a huge marketing opportunity for anyone willing to learn and master the principles involved. If an individual has a product that people want to buy, a well-placed advertising campaign on the Internet will pay dividends.

Everyone is on the Internet it seems and for a small fish to get noticed in the big sea of Internet marketers is a big proposition, seemingly difficult to overcome. There are, however some strategies that do overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
The key to developing a way to market a product through Internet marketing is to either make a decision to hire someone who is an expert in this area or learn how to do this yourself.
Hiring a firm can be expensive, and there is no guarantee that the results will be to your liking. Testimonials are as good as the person that says they are good and unless you can speak directly to the person that gives the testimony, they are pretty worthless.
So, if an individual is to take on this project him or herself, a learning curve must be overcome. Learning how to develop a website can be a bit intimidating, but a blog can be started immediately for nothing and the learning curve is small.
Blogger.com is a good place to begin. They will walk anyone through the steps so they will be up and running very quickly.
Next, you need to find out where your market stands in comparison to the competition. The google keyword tool is your next stop in your Internet marketing adventure. This tool is free and will tell you what people are searching for on the search engines. Since most people use Google, that is a good benchmark to use.
So, let’s say that your product is fishing lures. Go to the keyword tool and type in “fishing lures”. You will see how many people are looking for that term in a month. Probably quite a few.
You will probably need to narrow your search term down to the point where you have a good number of lookers, and not too many websites that are competition. You might try some varieties of fishing lures such as “deepwater lures”, or “night fishing lures” for catching bass.
Once you find a keyword or a keyword phrase that is being searched for from 30,000 times a month and up, and the competition shows weak, then you have a winner. Build your blog around that keyword phrase.
Try to incorporate the keyword phrase into the URL, and the title of the blog, and use it two to three times in the body of the description of your blog. It is likely that the blog will eventually rank well on Google.
This is the main technique in attempting to gain an organic rank on a major search engine. Now you can keep learning by discovering other keywords that rank in a similar way and build blogs around those keywords. When you have several blogs pulling in traffic to sell your fishing lures, you might just have a good start on an Internet marketing business.